What the Flutter!

What the Flutter!

Hosted by Razvan Lung

The business/careers-oriented social site LinkedIn studied internal data to determine the fastest-growing skills among software engineers, finding that Google's Flutter topped the list with its unique approach to mobile app development.
Google's UI toolkit Flutter was released in 2017. Flutter uses Dart object-oriented programming language which is the fastest growing language, up by 532% between 2018 and 2019, thanks to Flutter itself. Also GitHub states that Flutter is top 3 in number of project contributions.
Why you should pay attention to Flutter? What makes Flutter different?

Given the facts above, Razvan used this opportunity to share with us key points of what makes Flutter so great. He also shared some of his experiences with flutter, kindly answering out questions that tried to find out the good and the ugly on flutter. If you're keen enough to find out more about this topic, we kindly encourage you to watch his presentation.

Hold in a frendly environment that, as allways it ended latter on a beer talk about programming, but that's not on this video. For that, we'll envourage you to attend our next meeting whenever it will be.

Slides: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jDofVIBCikpT3RLTnrLOof6PbCmGWc3sjRXw1kqpV_U